Ro Allen | Curriculum Vitae


Research Statement

My goal is to advance our fundamental understanding of microbial ecology, leveraging rapidly developing molecular and statistical techniques to approach both hypothesis driven and exploratory studies. This understanding, ultimately, will contribute to our ability to predict, manipulate, and harness microbial communities, with far-reaching implications across a range of systems.


Education & Employment

The Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom [2019-Present]
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Michael Cunliffe


University of Otago [2016-2019]
PhD Botany (Exceptional Thesis Award)
“Marine microbial community dynamics and responses to oceanic climate change”
Dr. Linn Hoffmann & Dr. Tina Summerfield


Plymouth University [2014-2015]
MRes Marine Biology (Distinction)
“Effects of elevated CO2 on invertebrate settlement communities: local and regional trends”
Prof. Jason Hall-Spencer & Dr. Andy Foggo


Plymouth University [2010-2013]
BSc Hons. Marine Biology & Coastal Ecology (2:1)
Prof. Jason Hall-Spencer



Allen, R., Hoffmann, L. J., Law, C. S., Summerfield, T. C. (2020). Subtle bacterioplankton community responses to elevated CO2 and warming in the oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre. Environmental Microbiology Reports, Early View.

Allen, R., Foggo, A., Fabricius, K., Balistreri, A., & Hall-Spencer, J. M. (2017). Tropical CO2 seeps reveal the impact of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 124, 2, 607-613.

Hall-Spencer, J. M., & Allen, R. (2015). The impact of CO2 emissions on “nuisance” marine species. Research and Reports in Biodiversity Studies, 4, 33-46.


Conference Papers

Allen, R., Summerfield, T., Harvey, B., Agostini, S., Hoffmann, L. (2019). Biofilm succession in an acidified ocean: mechanistic insights from a volcanic CO2 seep study. 12th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop. [Talk]

Allen, R., Hoffmann, L., Law, C., Louisson, Z., Summerfield, T. (2018). Microbial community assembly processes in the oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre. 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. [Poster]

Summerfield, T., Louisson, Z., Nilsen, A., Allen, R., Orlovich, D. (2018). Investigating canopy soil microhabitats. 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. [Poster]

Allen, R., Summerfield, T., Harvey, B., Agostini, S., Wada, S., Rudminat, F., Hoffmann, L. (2018). Volcanic CO2 Seeps provide insights into benthic diatom proliferation in a high CO2 ocean. 3rd New Zealand Symposium on Algae and Photosynthetic Prokaryotes. [Talk]

Allen, R., Hoffmann, L., Law, C., Rudminat, F., Summerfield, T. (2018). Bacterioplankton resistance to acidification and warming in the oligotrophic ocean. 11th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop. [Talk]

Allen, R., Hoffmann, L., Law, C., Rudminat, F., Summerfield, T. (2017). South Pacific gyre bacterioplankton responses to oceanic climate change. New Zealand Molecular Ecology Conference. [Talk]

Gutierrez-Rodriguez, A., Safi, K., Gall, M., MacAskill, S., Allen, R., Rudminat, F., Hoffmann, L., Nodder, S. (2017). Phytoplankton photophysiology and productivity across contrasting subtropical and subantarctic waters of the South West Pacific. Climate Change Cluster Colloquium – AquaFluo II. [Talk]

Allen, R., Summerfield, T., Law, C., Hoffmann, L. (2017). The ecological and evolutionary importance of genetic diversity in phytoplankton responses to ocean acidification 10th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop. [Talk]

Allen, R., Foggo, A., Fabricius, K., Balistreri, A., Hall-Spencer, J. (2016). The effect of ocean acidification on coral reef invertebrate recruitment at CO2 seeps in Papua New Guinea. 9th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop. [Talk]

Allen, R., Foggo, A., Fabricius, K., Balistreri, A., Hall-Spencer, J. (2016). Elevated CO2 disrupts invertebrate colonization on tropical coral reefs. 8th International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology. [Poster]

Allen, R., Foggo, A., Fabricius, K., Balistreri, A., Hall-Spencer, J. (2015). The impact of ocean acidification on invertebrate settlement at CO2 seeps. 12th Marine Biological Association Postgraduate Conference. [Poster]


Key Skills

Amplicon sequencing


Primer design

DNA extraction

Mulitvariate statistics

Compositional statistics



Cell culture

Flow cytometry

Scanning electron microscopy

Fast repetition rate fluorometry



Doctoral Scholarship (~$100,000)
University of Otago [2016-Present]

Seed Funding Grant ($4852)
University of Otago Polar Environments Research Theme [2017]

Seed Funding Grant ($2500)
University of Otago Ocean Acidification Research Theme [2016]

International Travel Grant ($2000)
University of Otago Division of Sciences [2017]

Student Travel Grant ($400)
New Zealand Ocean Acidification Community [2018]

Student Travel Grant ($300)
New Zealand Ocean Acidification Community [2016]

Student Travel Grant (£200)
Plymouth University [2015]



Best Talk Award
University of Otago Department of Botany Colloquium [2017]

Best Talk Award
10th New Zealand Ocean Acidification Workshop [2016]



Guest Lecturer: Molecular and Cellular Approaches in Marine Biology
The Marine Biological Association [2019-Present]

Guest Lecturer: Marine Ecology and Conservation
The Marine Biological Association [2019-Present]

Guest Lecturer: Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Plymouth University [2019-Present]

Guest Lecturer: Plants: How They Shape the World
University of Otago [2018]

Guest Lecturer: Marine and Freshwater Botany
University of Otago [2017]

Senior Demonstrator: Plants: How They Shape the World
University of Otago [2017-Present]

Demonstrator: Cell and Molecular Biology
University of Otago [2016-Present]

Demonstrator: Applied Plant Science
University of Otago [2016-Present]

Demonstrator: Marine and Freshwater Botany
University of Otago [2016-Present]



Speaker: Ōku Moana: International Science Week
University of Otago Department of Botany [2018]

Representative: International Science Week
University of Otago Department of Botany [2018]

Programme Coordinator: Hands-On at Otago
University of Otago Department of Botany [2018]

Scientist and Collaborator: Art + Oceans
University of Otago & Dunedin School of Art [2017-2018]

Interviewee: 8 Billion Angels Documentary
8 Billion Angels Productions LLC [2017]

Representative: Tertiary Open Day
University of Otago Department of Botany [2017]

Coordinator: Department Colloquium
University of Otago Department of Botany [2017]



HSE Part IV Professional Air Diver

PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor (#260394)

RYA Powerboat Level 2 License

VHF Radio Qualified

HSE Certificate of Competence: Automatic External Defibrillation

HSE Certificate of Competence: Oxygen Administration

HSE Certificate of Competence: Manual Handling Techniques

MCA Certificate of Competence: Personal Survival Techniques

MCA Certificate of Competence: Personal Safety & Social Responsibility

Institution of Fire Engineers: Basic Fire Awareness Training


Professional Development

RNA-Seq: What is state of the art? Bioinformatics Workshop

Research Bazaar Otago – Statistics and Data Manipulation

Software Carpentry for ‘R’

Data Visualization with ‘ggplot2’ Workshop

University of Otago Demonstrating/Tutoring Workshop



University of Otago Rugby League First XIII [2016-Present]

University of Otago Rugby League Executive Committee [2016-2018]

New Zealand Universities Invitational Rugby League Tournament [2017]

Cherwell School First XV Rugby Union Captain [2008-2009]

Muay-Thai TFC English Title Challenger [2012]

Muay-Thai Coach [2010-2013]